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This is the blog of 'angry_cellist', the fictional creation of Dury Loveridge.
It does not, nor should it be perceived to, represent the views of its author, his friends, colleagues or employers.

Music Month: Day 14 ‘Andrew McMahon’
Apparently Jack’s Mannequin passed me by – strange, cos they sound pretty good too.
These days, frontman Andrew McMahon is going it alone under his own name.
There’s an album forthcoming, and the teaser video certainly has some nice music to it…
Music Month: Day 13 – ‘Motion City Soundtrack’
After all that pop (and then a classical pianist) I was after something with a bit more punch today.
Not exactly new (they’ve been around since ’99), but I’ve been listening to Motion City Soundtrack today. From Minneapolis Minnesota (seriously America, nowhere needs that many M’s and N’s in a place name… How do kids learn to spell in that place!), they’re fun rock.
Music Month: Day 12 – ‘James Rhodes’ Live
So, no vast exploration of Spotify and Youtube tonight, as I went to see James Rhodes play at St George’s in Bristol. He’d really come to my attention over the previous weeks with his Don’t Stop the Music campaign online (and you should all go sign the petition right now before you continue reading – I’ll wait….)
So, his shows are essentially like a poetry night with piano instead of poetry. Insights into his life, his thinking, insights into composers’ lives, their thinking…
And some pretty good piano playing too!
Music Month: Day 11 ‘The Icarus Account’
Whilst we’re on the subject of pop, today I’ve mostly been listening to The Icarus Account. Their website describes their back-story:
“I remember that feeling,” says Ty, “I remember getting goosebumps from the music for the first time and I remember thinking to myself ‘I want to do that someday. I want to be able to play music that can give people goosebumps.’” Not long after that first concert, the boys began taking music lessons. They began with the piano and later took on violin as well. “We hated playing the violin,” remembers Ty. “Our parents used to make us walk around the block at Christmas time and play songs with our sisters for all of our neighbors.” And while they didn’t necessarily love those performances at the time, the experience paved the way for something bigger. “Our dad always used to say, ‘One day you’ll thank me for making you take lessons,’” Trey remembers, then laughs. “I guess he was right.”
Not liking violin lessons – not great for a cellist to read… But their stuff is good. It’s the kind of thing you could hear over the closing montage scene of a tv show. Late night in the car, it’s great!
Music Month: Day 10 – ‘He is We’
A band formed in a music shop? That sounds cool.
As does this music. Sure, it’s pop with nothing particularly new to it, but it’s catchy and fun – and isn’t that what pop’s supposed to be?
Music Month: Day 9 – ‘The Last Bison’
I do love a bit of banjo… And Glockenspiel for that matter. Combine that with some kickin’ strings and you’ve pretty much got ‘The Last Bison’.
Their website describes the process of creating their new album:
To capture the new sounds on The Last Bison’s upcoming album titled VA (pronounced Virginia,) the band spent many days and nights in an old A-frame cabin. The cabin, called “the Wigwam” sits on a summer camp on the edge of the Great Dismal Swamp near the band’s home in Chesapeake, Virginia. The pine-lined walls and high-lofted beams became home to a temporary studio where front man Ben Hardesty says, “We had freedom to explore and create without the time constraints we lived under on previous projects.” Out of this rustic cabin emerged a collection of music with booming organic drums and energy beyond anything on their previous work.
And if I had to say what this reminded me off, it would be sitting on the dock at a Summer Camp in Maine. They’re very much Mumford and Sons but with more thought, skill and craftsmanship put into their songs. Unlike the Mumford’s, they don’t reply on a formula to write.
Music Month: Day 8 – ‘Cowbell’
Their website begins… “Cowbell are garage/soul/rock ‘n’ roll duo”. Doubtless there’s a comparison here with The White Stripes, but I can’t stand The White Stripes, and I really like this group.
I saw them at Larmer Tree Festival last year, and although I bought a couple of their tracks, I have to confess I didn’t dig much deeper. However, they’re really good.
Putting it into words better than I could, the website quotes, ““Jack Sandham’s catchy riffs and Wednesday Lyle’s self assured drums shove you directly into the midst of a dirty garage rock gig at The
Marquee in 1968” The 405.”
Music Month: Day 7 – ‘Paper Lights’
I found this group via Twitter. Their website describes them…
Paper Lights is an alternative/pop band comprised of 6 members from Atlanta, GA. They have spent time traveling and writing music together as well as working closely with one another for many years now. There is a highly collaborative spirit cultivated among the band which translates into a unique and large cinematic soundscape found within their music.
I wasn’t completely filled with hope from the slightly corporate description – but the music’s pretty much perfect. It’s got an almost epic feel with a symphonic approach to structure and use of time. The sounds crisp and draws you in, and the video’s pretty snazzy too.
Paper Lights – On Your Way [Official Video] from Paper Lights on Vimeo.
Music Month: Day 6 – ‘The HiLife Companion’
Not, strictly speaking, something ‘new’ for me to listen to. However, as I’d gone along to see them play live in Bristol (the first time they’d done so for 4 years or so) it seems a fitting set of music to put up here for that day.
Music Month: Day 5 – ‘The Head and the Heart’
I was instantly taken by the way this band list their facebook page rather than their website on their Twitter biography (in fact, their website is actually quite hard to track down).
Formed in Seattle (Spotify describes them as ‘Northwestern transplants’), The Head and the Heart promote songs that are catchy and fun. Plus, there’s plenty of session videos online of them playing with the backdrop of the Puget Sound*
*I should point out, Vashon Island is one of my all-time favourite places to stay.