A leap year opposal

It’s one of the great things about living in a little town that every now and again you’re going to come across some of the quirkier characters of life. Yes sir, there’s very little Adidas and Nike tracksuited and booted Waynettas around here.

Add to this witches cauldron of toil and trouble the fact it’s February 29th, and you’re almost guaranteed something noteworthy.

So there I am in one of the little shops and a little old lady, who it transpired was called Mary, was idly chatting with the shop assistant.

Shop Assistant: So, are you going to ask anyone today?
Mary: Oh… yes.. today’s the day. When a girl can oppose to a man.

And so the conversation continued.

The thing was, I thought I’d just misheard. Or else it was a slip of Mary’s tongue. But no. She kept repeating how February the 29th was the day women could oppose to men. Sarah and I were finding it difficult to keep our composure.

Now we all know men and women are different. I believe Men have a Venus, and women are from Mars according to some of the world’s finer literary works. And all over the land today, women are opposing.

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