Dr Who – Life on the street
In case you’ve missed the last few posts, I’m quite excited at the prospect of my street being on Dr Who tomorrow. For the last few weeks, my pupils have not stopped asking me when it’s going to be on. It’s a strange thing, the street means nothing to them, yet it’s something real for them, something they know exists for real, to see on the tv – that’s quite a big thing for 9 year-olds.
Yet it’s come with some sadness. Yesterday, our landlord’s brother came to sort view the new water-feature that’s sprouted in the ceiling of our living room. His solution? 3 small holes to channel the water into a bucket whenever we put the central heating on. The thing is, the whole house needs to be gutted and refurbished for various reasons, preferably by the late summer. We’ve been on about moving by then, and so he feels there’s probably little point in fixing things anymore if everything’s going to be put into a skip.
So there you have it. Tomorrow we’ll watch Dr Who, proudly seeing our home on the television screen, but with the sad knowledge that very shortly we’ll have to leave for pastures (probably even countries) new…
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