Everybody join the Google-Dance

As seen on Imogen Holst’s Headstone in Aldeburgh:

“The heavenly spheres make music for us all,
all things join in the dance”

And so it is in all walks of life, particularly search engines. I have a string quartet, which has a website, which is almost entirely my own preserve. It’s my territory, I made it, it’s my baby. It’s a labour of love. Actually, it’s more an obsession of hate. It gives me this persona of the American executive with a ‘hire-em and fire-em’ mentality. I like to beat the opposition, and when it comes to running a business which is entirely based on web customers, you have to play the Google game. Most people expect this, and know the rules. I’ve heard that there’s a new group on the scene, and one of our former players is setting up on his own, so I’ve been checking frequently to see when their site is up and running. The only thing is, I feel a little sorry for them (not at all in my Business persona). I’ve heard they’re calling themselves The Friendly Quartet. The problem? I searched for ‘friendly string quartet’, and my site came up fourth! The poor people, it’ll take 6 weeks at least before people looking for them find them before us.

Good luck, but in the meantime, I’m enjoying the Google Dance.

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