Fifa la Deutch

Now I’m no football fan. I was once, but now I’m pretty much as far away from one as you can get. However I can be a cynical watcher of ‘the man’, ‘the system’ or pretty much anything with the prefix ‘the’ (even ‘the Beatles’, though less so ‘the troggs’). I hate speed cameras, for example. However, I read with disbelief a report about TV Licence Enforcement Vans threatening to fine workplaces if their employees watch the World Cup online using the BBC’s Broadband service (although this article suggests it may a hollow threat).

Help is at hand, however. You too can beat ‘the man’, or indeed ‘the van’ – Watch the 80’s technology at work – yes, you too can watch the World Cup Live via Telnet pictures! It needs no licence, just a little imagination…

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