Go see the world…

Apologies for the lack of posts these last couple of days. It’s been a case of less typing, more clicking on links. But here’s some highlights of my travelling the world via my, somewhat annoyingly erratic, mouse:

I’ve always loved Vanilla Sky, partly for the Spielberg cameo but mostly for the scenes of Times Square with no traffic. For the film they had unprecidented permission to close it for three hours, but over at laughing squid there are some amazing shots of the place when it’s spookily quiet…

I’m getting quite annoyed with myself that I keep finding amusing stuff on YouTube. I really did expect it to be full of clips of cats falling unexpectedly off television sets worthy of Esther Rantzen and That’s Life circa 1983. Unless you’ve been a bit John Simm (stuck on Mars, not rhyming slang for dim), you can’t help but to have suffered the Mitchell and Webb Mac vs. PC ads. Here’s a pretty funny spoof of luddite vs. Mac.

Finally, I seem to be getting very nostalgic of the time I spent in America. I think it’s because I’ve not travelled for a few months now and I’m getting a little bored. When I was there the nearest proper town was called Bridgton and I loved this shop. Being in Maine and everything, it had to have Moose related merchandise – never did see one of the elusive chaps whilst walking around by the lake at night though…

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