In the land of Bergerac

In the land of Bergerac, originally uploaded by ardeton_quartet.
The first entry from Jersey, and as the photo shows (modelled by the lovely Sarah), all roads lead to wonderful blue sea! From the cliff at the end of that road you can sea Guernsey to the left, and the coast of France to the right.
Jersey is a curious place- not quite sure of it’s national identity. It’s been under French and British rule, but despite it’s allegiance to the UK seems more comfortable with the former.
Beside us at lunch today, two couples dined together. They took time over their meal. They carefully rejected the first bottle of wine they were served saying it was a little off-taste and asked for a second. They had meaningful conversation about meaningful things. They enjoyed their meal, but it had been an event- certainly something you rarely see in Britain, where meal times are quick and functional.
The road-signs and information are dual-language. They are too in Wales, except here it feels like they’re like it because everyone wants them to be like that. Like it contributes something, rather than a nod to the past.
Then again, maybe I just feel like that because I’ve been listening to French Radio in the hire car, and my phone welcomed me to France by mistake, but earlier I was nearly there.
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