Le violoncelle de Dury

Le violoncelle de Dury, originally uploaded by ardeton_quartet.
The fruits of my own and the lovely Sarah’s artistic sides on the beach in St. Hellier- using an idea borrowed from the LittleRedBoat.
I can’t get over the fantastic blues you get in the sea here. We’ve barely seen the inland parts of the island, instead being captivated by the sun twinkling on the gently lapping shores. Nothing was more serene than the (I feel) misappropriately titled “Devil’s Hole”. Here, the land has been worn away over time into a cave where at high-tide water spurts up through a hole in the earth. This is all well and good, but just behind it is one of the calmest, bluest bits of sea I’ve seen here, which undermines its name a little.
Other highlights of the day include Mangos in the market, French Fries and Brie in the pub, a child learning to ride a tiny pony in the massive St Aubin’s bay, and a touch of sunburn!
It’s revealing that, as with all orchestra trips, I brought along a book (John O’Farrell’s “May contain nuts” in case you’re wondering), and haven’t read a word!
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