Lazy Sunday Afternoon…

So it’s Sunday.
I have the day off.
Not only do I have the day off, but I have a stack of things to do.

So I set about prioritising the day:
 First I must do work things; the string quartet emails need answering, there’s a little website maintenance to get done, I have some music to arrange for a future wedding.
Then I must do fun things; plan for the summer trip to Iceland, browse

So I sit down at the computer, and whilst it’s sorting itself out, presumably prioritising its own tasks for the day, I’m left with a few seconds spare. Suddenly I start to tidy the cabinet next to me, then the bookcase, then the CD collection…

Suddenly it’s 9pm and nothing’s been done. Well, not exactly nothing. I have a clean house, a well-filed house. Now I just have a stack of work to do next week that should have been done today.

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