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This is the blog of 'angry_cellist', the fictional creation of Dury Loveridge.

It does not, nor should it be perceived to, represent the views of its author, his friends, colleagues or employers.


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Music for the Hustle-Bustle

Created this a little while ago for a music stock library – useful for documentaries or anything featuring speeded-up footage…


Empire State of Mind

Empire State


Composition Performance

A quick piece, ‘chase scene through a busy market’ played live by a schools orchestra…
Chase through a busy market by duryloveridge


Quick! Take my picture!

I love ice-skating, but I can never work out why everyone’s so eager to take blurry pictures on their mobiles instead of just skating…

Quick! Take my picture!


Matchbox Twenty on Cello

I’m a big Matchbox and Rob Thomas fan, and a couple of months ago I couldn’t resist playing around with this fantastic song.

If you’re gone 07-11-2010 15;45;59 by duryloveridge

You can follow me on Soundcloud via the link below:


Arty NYC

I’m a big fan of HDR, and I couldn’t resist this cityscape.

Arty NYC



Taken on a recent visit to NYC. The iconic ‘yellow cab’.



Composing for Film

I recently took part in the Faber Media Academy with cellist Phillip Shepherd.

Below is the result…


Builders’ Tea

So, I’m in the queue at the garage the other day, and two builders are in the queue behind me. Both are around 6′ in height, and have that ‘sturdy’ builder’s look – you know, that one that only builders have that manages to be part cowboy (I think its the boots), and part Victorian chimney sweep. I’d noticed one had been perusing the chocolate biscuit stand as I’d walked in.

So, anyway, without turning around this is what I hear:

Builder 1: ‘Hey, what you got there… two chocolate bars?’

Builder 2: ‘Yeah. I skipped lunch. I don;t do it often, so I don’t think it’ll make a difference to my waist’.

Builder 1: ‘Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone’.

The thing is, it came across less cowboy builders, and more Brokeback Mountain…


And finally, the star

Just so I didn’t miss out on the festive season entirely, a quick photo. It’s before twelth night, right?

Adding the Final Touch