The mug that’s smug

Stuck for a last-minute gift for someone special?

Try this ‘topical mug‘.

Hard day at work? Early morning brew to kick-start your daily grind? Why not stir in a spoonful of sugar and a small lump of pessimism and doom in the form of the mug that, and at this point I quote the makers, ‘really stirs up the debate on global warming’.

Yes, as you kill the planet by switching on the kitchen light, opening the fridge door, and boiling the kettle in a huge drain on the world’s dwindling resources, you can be reminded instantly by your mug of how millions if not billions of the world’s inhabitants are going to drown as the sea rises.

PS For those of you taking part in the cookalong, now is the time to start the pudding boiling if you want it to be just the right consistency on Dec 25th. Re-baste the turkey at this point, and top-up the water in the ham pan.

Also, start the cheese sauce for the cauliflower, and start the congealing process for the gravy.


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