Time and Relative Dimension in my Street?

The Tardis - quite unassuming really


After what seems like an age of planning, Dr Who finally landed in my street. The preparations had taken a while – fake windows and doors were fitted, streetlights and telegraph poles disguised, and satelite dishes removed.

Depsite all this, I still have to admit to being surprised when I came home to find a street party taking place in my street in period costume. The stark contrast between the old-fashioned dress of the cast, and the DKNY costumes of the crowds who had gathered to watch. I couldn’t help but muse for a while on the age of the celebrity. How people will do anything to catch a glimpse of anyone who’s had a TV camera aimed at them.

Then I stopped and stared at Billy Piper and David Tennant dancing down my street…

…it’s afflicting me too.

PS – And yes, the Tardis does land in my street!

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